Sustainability & Environment
Here at Biddle, we developed some revolutionary technologies and integrated them into our products, which resulted in significant CO2 reductions. Biddle protects the environment by working, where possible, with environmentally friendly materials, by preferring long-life components and by delivering products with low energy consumption.
Monitoring product performance helps you to gain insight into consumption patterns and realise the extent to which you are saving energy and keep running costs low.
Quality and Environmental Policy Statement (EPS)
ISO 14001 is the most important international standard pertaining to the environment. Biddle has held this certificate for many years, guaranteeing that Biddle's environmental system functions optimally. Underpinning everything is the commitment to provide product quality, reliability, performance and delivery second to none. This is evidenced by accreditation to the Quality Management System BS EN ISO9001.
The Company believes in sustainability and to this end adheres strictly to the Environmental Management System BS EN ISO14001. All products are designed with energy efficiency at the front of mind and with the introduction of eco-friendly controls end-users can benefit from increased energy saving and climate enhancing innovation.